The word love have been used or probably, been misused when it’s associated solely with individual attributes of its entire embodiment.

Love is probably the most profound human Element. It encompasses various attributes, which is manifested in many examples of real life scenarios. Many learned minds have taught and gave explanations about various meanings of love, identifying words or expressions used from ancient scripts or languages, rendering interpretations for its usage then and etymological transitions over time, which to a large extent, speaks to a very small minority of the intended audience, while the majority remain confused by all the “blah”, never being directly spoken to, with a consistently, constant approach, which could have rendered a much purer and more realistic understanding of this powerful Element of life; Love.

A crude but practical method of approach, would be to say, “screw” whatever was meant yesterday or in earlier times, let’s understand what does love mean “Today” using the language we speak right now. Love incorporates reasonable amounts of the following attributes; Kindness, Empathy, Trust, Care & Concern, Awareness, Appreciation, Reverse Positioning, Understanding, Affection, Respect, Generosity, Tolerance. To love someone or something, would require engagement of the above mentioned attributes, wherever applicable.

One key word of caution is, everything should be executed in moderation and within reason. Always keep in check, your elevated excitement or over enthusiasm, which possesses the probability of creating delusions. Love is not always reciprocated. This can be very challenging for some people to understand. Not because you have energized all the attributes of love towards another person or entity, means, the same energy is supposed, or, should be expected, to return to you.

The person or entity towards which you have extended your “Love”, would have individual characteristics, influenced by experiences different to what you may have perceived or understood at that given time, which may not be fully receptive to your energy. This is where and when the associated attribute of charisma, becomes a powerful tool, especially if, reciprocity is required, such as with personal relationships, where some level of intimacy is intended to be accomplished by one party, expecting the other involved party to be favorably responsive .

Though not exclusively expressed, the association between use of the word Love as it relates to Intimate relationships, speaks more to the attribute of affection along with the characteristics of physical attraction and sexual desire. While affection can be considered as an attribute of Love, physical attraction and sexual desire doesn’t necessarily solely belong within the love attribute of affection. It’s dependent on which element it’s package into. For instance, both Sexual Desire and Physical Attraction, can also be packaged into the attribute of affection, but, into the element of lust, which may be manifested in sexual abuse, such as rape.

Its important to note that many human attributes can be packaged and be presented with different life elements. It’s when the presented package contain other attributes identified as belonging to a given element, a better understanding of the intent can be acquired. All this was mentioned to say, never judge any human attribute or characteristic in isolation. Always consider the packaging (motive), simply because, attributes in isolation provides an avenue for fostering deception, which happens to be more commonly placed within the Element of Hate, rather than Love.

Deception, incorporate characteristics which at times are utilized within the execution of love and it’s true purpose may only be identified when or if the associated objective or outcome is revealed. Many times, deception goes unnoticed because the true objective is cleverly masked, or the person being deceived is totally oblivious to what is happening. This can occur when there is unquestioned trust, innocence, influence or just, lack of concern. Acts of deception are very common in everyday lives. From childhood, acts of deception has been performed by or performed on kids. Whether is a kid crying indicating that some body-part is hurting, just to get a snack from the parent or a parent telling scary stories to their children, just to encourage them to be afraid of the dark. It’s all deception. This raises the question, is deception good or bad, right or wrong? It can be said, no characteristics in this life is absolute, it all depends on how it’s aligned with other attributes to produce a desired outcome.

Be always mindful, love and deception lives in the same house, looks like each other, speaks like each other and wear the same clothing. What’s even more challenging is, individual souls harboring attributes of genuine Love along with deception, at times are unable to identify the difference. This is to say, people deceive others while believing they are actually executing an act of love. This becomes more puzzling because, they just might be quite correct. Therefore, in everything we do or support or even mention, always ask this question, based on my current action, what do I expect to be the outcome? Such self questioning, when asked earnestly, will always lead to the intended objective within one’s own heart.

Your ultimate pondering should be, does the end result justify the means by which it was accomplished? The purpose for which it was done. Purpose, will always be, the foundation upon which every action is executed or performed. Always examine your Purpose(Objective or Intent), relative to the decisions you make. Once attributes within the element of love, as mentioned before, are identified, Love wins and therein, peace, comfort and goodwill, will always abide.

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