US President Joe Biden may soon be barred from receiving communion at any Catholic church service he may attend. 

the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops voted 168-55 in favor to move forward with a process which could question the eligibility of serving politicians like President Biden, to receive communion. 

Biden, who is America’s second catholic president in the nation’s history, has previously and consistently supported abortion rights, a position which is against the church’s teachings. 

Diocese of Baker in Oregon Bishop, Liam Cary described the development as “unprecedented in the country.” “We’ve never had a situation like this where the executive is a Catholic president opposed to the teaching of the church ” Cary said. 

“This is a Catholic president that’s doing the most aggressive thing we’ve ever seen in terms of this attack on life when it’s most innocent,” Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City.  Bishop Naumann has been a strong advocate, who leads the bishop’s council on Pro-Life activities. 

Naumann went on to state that he is disturbed by Catholics who “flaunt their Catholicity” while publicly taking positions on abortion that conflict with those of the church. 

American Catholics are divided over whether their President should continue to receive communion. However, such division is primarily based along political affiliation. Republicans believe he should not continue to receive while democrats believe he should not be barred. 

The bishops are scheduled to meet again in November when they will have the opportunity to amend their position or to move ahead with the process. 

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